My Story Collection

Out and about on my travels I want to collect stories from around the world. In Brazil I hope to collect more stories! I am very lucky because I have some Brazilian friends living in England. They have told me some stories which I want to share with you now. I hope you enjoy them.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

The Scorpion

The Scorpion

Once upon a time a teacher and her student were walking in the forest. After a while they came to a river and looked down into the water. “Look!” said the student. There was a scorpion struggling to swim and it was going to drown. The teacher grabbed a stick, plunged it into the water and the Scorpion climbed on. But just as she was about to save the scorpion, it lashed out its tail, and stung her! The teacher cried out. She dropped the stick, and the scorpion fell back into the water.

The scorpion couldn’t swim so it started to drown again. Without hesitating the teacher picked up the stick and tried to save the scorpion once more. But just as before, when it was nearing dry land the scorpion lashed out its tail. It stung her. ‘Arrgh!’ she cried. She dropped the stick, and the scorpion fell into the water again.

Meanwhile, the student watched in disbelief as the teacher picked up the stick for a third time. The scorpion climbed on. Very carefully she carried the scorpion and delivered it safely onto dry land. This time the scorpion was saved. The student looked confused and asked,
“Why did you help that animal when you knew it would hurt you so much?’
The teacher replied “This scorpion is just an animal. When it hurt me it didn’t know what it was doing. Saving its life was the right thing to do”.

The moral of the story : sometimes we try to help people and they may even hurt us in return, but we should always act to help them with love.

The Hunter and The Wolf

The Hunter and the Wolf

There once was a man who lived in the forest with his daughters and a wolf. Everyday he went out into the forest to hunt for food. And everyday he left his daughters at home with the wolf standing guard.

Whenever people saw him they said “Why do you leave your daughters with a wolf? He is a very dangerous animal. You can’t trust him. One day he will surely kill your daughters”.
Each time the man stood up for the wolf. “He is my loyal companion” said the man, “and he protects my daughters”.

Then one day the man returned home from hunting. He opened the door and saw the wolf in the doorway. His mouth was covered in blood. The hunter was horrified. He reached for his gun and shot him dead. The man thought that the wolf had eaten his daughters.

But as soon as he entered the house he saw his daughters standing there alive and well. Lying on the ground in a pool of blood was a huge snake. The snake had tried to attack the girls but the wolf had risked his life to save them.

The moral of the story: Judge a person by their actions, not by what others say about them.

Monday 16 November 2009

The Old Ring

The Old Ring

Once upon a time there was a young boy who was feeling very unhappy. He decided to go to his teacher for help. “I have come to you teacher” he said, “because I feel I am worth so little. I have no strength to do anything. People say I am good for nothing, I don’t do anything well and I’m too slow and too dumb. How can I improve? What can I do to better myself?”

Without looking up, the teacher said to him, “I feel very sorry for you young man, but I can’t help you. I have to solve my own problem first. Maybe after that.”

The he paused for a while and said, “Perhaps if you help me, I could solve this problem more quickly. Then I could help you.”

“O-of course, Teacher” said the boy. But he felt even more disheartened and he wondered if he would be able to help his teacher. The teacher pulled off a ring from his little finger and he gave it to the boy saying,

“Take your horse and go to the market. I need to sell this ring because I have to settle a debt. I must get the highest price possible for this ring. Don’t accept anything less than one gold coin for it. Go and come back with the money as soon as possible.

The young boy took the ring and left. When he got to the market he began to offer the ring to the merchants. They looked at it with some interest, until the boy told them how much it cost. When he told them he wanted one gold coin, some laughed and some walked off without even looking at him. Only one old man was kind enough to explain that the price of one gold coin was too expensive. Trying to help the boy, the old man even offered him a silver coin and a copper cup. But the young man remembered his teacher’s instructions; he didn’t accept anything less than one gold coin and he refused the offer.

After showing the jewellery to everyone who walked by at the market, the boy was crushed with defeat. He mounted his horse and went home. If only he had a gold coin to give to his teacher! He could solve his teacher’s problem and receive help and advice.

When he got to his teacher’s house he said, “Teacher, I’m sorry but it was impossible to do as you asked. Perhaps you could get two or three pieces of silver, but you can’t fool anyone about the value of this ring”.

The teacher smiled. “Firstly we must find out the value of the ring”, he challenged. “Go and get your horse and go to the jeweller. Who better to know the exact value of this ring? Tell him you want to sell it and ask what he will offer you for it. But no matter what he offers you, don’t sell it. Come back with my ring”.

The boy went to the jeweller and gave him the ring to examine. The jeweller looked at the ring with a magnifying glass, weighed the ring and said, “Tell your teacher if he wants to sell now, I cannot get more than 58 pieces of gold for the ring”.

“58 GOLD COINS!” exclaimed the young man.
“Yes,” replied the jeweller, I know that if I had more time, I could offer about 70 gold coins, but if the sale is urgent….”

And with that, the boy ran out of the door excitedly. He ran all the way to the teacher’s house. He told him everything that had happened.

“Sit down”. Said the teacher gently after the boy had finished.
“You are like this ring. You are like a precious and unique jewel that can only be appreciated by an expert.
“But I thought anyone could discover their true value?”

The teacher put the ring back on his finger and looking at the stone he said, “We are all like this gem. We are all precious and unique. Yet in life, as at the market, many people try to tell us we are not worth anything. But it is they who are inexperienced and who often don’t see a person’s true value. Like the jeweller, I can see with my expert eye that you are a very very important young man”.

The Race Of The Little Frogs

The Race of the Little Frogs

Once upon a time a group of little frogs decided to have a race. They had to climb a tall, tall tower. Behind the tower gathered a large noisy crowd. It was chanting ‘You won’t make it! You can’t do it!’ And one by one, the frogs began to give up and fall away. The crowd continued to scream, ‘You won’t make it! You can’t do it!’

One after another all the frogs lost heart and failed. All, except for one little frog who continued to climb. He climbed up the tower calmly and effortlessly, until he won the race!

At the end of the race everyone wanted to know how he had done it. They asked the little frog ‘What is your secret?’. But when he didn’t reply they discovered that the little frog was deaf.
The moral of the story: When we want to do something that requires courage we shouldn’t listen to people who tell us we won’t succeed. Be deaf to negative taunts.

The Dragonfly

The Dragonfly

One beautiful morning Dragonfly crawled out of her cocoon into the glorious sun. She looked around and everything she saw was beautiful. Dragonfly stretched out her marvellous wings and began to fly. She loved everything she saw. She flew down amongst the pretty flowers, she flew up amongst the tall trees. Everywhere she looked she saw something beautiful. “Wow! Thank you God for this wonderful world!” she laughed happily to herself. Suddenly the bright fluffy clouds caught her eye and Dragonfly soared up to play in them. She swooped and dived, in and out, laughing happily to herself.

After a while Dragonfly noticed a forest and she flew down to have a closer look. Inside that forest was a wooden hut with a man inside cooking dinner. Dragonfly peered in the window and flew inside to get a closer look. She flew around the whole house. “This is a really beautiful place!” she thought to herself for Dragonfly had never seen a house before. Eventually she flew back into the kitchen as the man was going upstairs. She looked down at the bowl he had been beating eggs in and she saw the white fluffy mixture inside. “Ah! its like the white things in the sky!” she giggled and she dived into the bowl.

But though egg whites are soft and fluffy they are also very sticky. Dragonfly was trapped! “Oh No!” she cried. She tried to free herself. She struggled and struggled and struggled but it was no use. Dragonfly was stuck. She flapped and flapped her wings. She was getting more and more tired. Finally she asked God “Please help me! I will be kind and sweet and I will help everyone I meet if you just help me get out of here now”.

Just at that very moment the man came back and flicked Dragonfly out of his cooking. She went flying through the air, out of the house and out of the window. She landed on the grass outside.

“Thank you God, Thank you!” She exclaimed “Thank you for saving me, I am so happy. I will help you and be good and kind, but I am very tired now, so I promise I will start first thing tomorrow morning”. And with that, Dragonfly lay down to sleep.

But when the next day came Dragonfly never woke up. She lay still on the grass. She had died in the night because dragonflies only live for one day.

The moral of the story: Always keep your promises to God because you never know what will happen tomorrow.